
To construct the three-dimensional structure of the isolated teeth of patients with dentinogenesis imperfecta type Ⅱ (DGI-Ⅱ) and dentin dysplasia type Ⅰ (DD-Ⅰ) by using Micro-CT and explore internal structure and hard tissue mineralization density. The three-dimensional structures of the third molars collected from patients with DGI-Ⅱ and DD-Ⅰ and healthy individuals of the same age were reconstructed by using Micro-CT (Mimics 17.0). The internal structures of the affected teeth along the sagittal and transverse planes were observed. The grayscale values of the enamel, crown dentin, and root dentin were calculated. Then, the mineralization densities of the different parts of the teeth of the three groups were analyzed. The detailed three-dimensional models of the mandibular third molars with hereditary dentin defects were successfully constructed. The models contained the models of the enamel cap, dentin core, and pulp cavity. Sagittal and transverse section scans revealed that in patients with DGI-Ⅱ, the pulp cavity was incompletely calcified and the root canal was narrow, whereas in those with DD-Ⅰ, the pulp cavity and root canal were obliterated and the root of the tooth was absent. The analysis of the grayscale values showed that compared with those in the healthy group, the grayscale values of the enamel, crown dentin, and root dentin were lower in the DGI-Ⅱ and DD-Ⅰ groups (P<0.01). No significant differences in the grayscale values of the enamel and crown dentin were found between the DGI-Ⅱ and DD-Ⅰ groups (P>0.05), whereas the grayscale value of the root dentin showed statistically significant differences between the two groups (P<0.01). The application of Micro-CT provided a simple and accurate method for the three-dimensional structure reconstruction and quantitative analysis of the mineralization density of isolated teeth with hereditary dentin defects. Although the dentin mineralization density of DGI-Ⅱ and DD-Ⅰ teeth decreased, the decrement shown by DD-Ⅰ teeth was more significant than that shown by DGI-Ⅱ teeth. The pulp cavity had abnormal calcifications, and the root canal was narrow or even occluded.

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