
The separation and determination of the ten water-soluble vitamins by using capillary electrophoresis in the micellar electrokinetic chromatography in a single run are proposed. The method uses low toxicity and cost solvent (ethanol) as modifier of background electrolyte (BGE) attending to the Green Chemistry principles. The electrophoretic method uses 10.0 % (v/v) ethanol, 2.0 % (w/v) SDS, 0.02 mol L−1 borate at pH 8.70 as BGE. The standard and real sample solutions were injected in the eletrophoretic system by hydrodynamic injection under pressure of 0.80 psi for 8 s, and the separation was carried out in a fused silica capillary under a potential of 28 kV at 25 °C; the analytical signals were monitored at 214 nm. The analytical method is precise (r.s.d. < 6 %), accurate (better than 9 %), selective, sensitive, robust, simple, and presents high analytical frequency as ten water-soluble vitamins were separated in only 18 min, with migration times of 5.75 ± 0.02, 6.81 ± 0.02, 8.13 ± 0.04, 8.80 ± 0.07, 8.98 ± 0.06, 11.10 ± 0.08, 11.34 ± 0.05, 13.85 ± 0.15, 14.82 ± 0.04, and 17.85 ± 0.30 min. Detection and quantification limits of 0.34, 0.32, 0.27, 0.20, 2.50, 4.98, 4.92, 0.30, 0.86 and 0.28 mg L−1 and 1.02, 0.97, 0.83, 0.62, 7.56, 15.09, 14.91, 0.90, 2.59 and 0.83 mg L−1, for vitamins PP (nicotinamide), B12 (cyanocobalamin), B2 (riboflavin), B6 (pyridoxine), B8 (biotin), C (ascorbic acid), B5 (pantothenic acid), B3 (nicotinic acid), B1 (thiamine), and B9 (folic acid), respectively. Excellent recoveries (intra and inter-day) were obtained and, when the method was applied to food supplement analyses the results were in agreement with the conventional HPLC methods.

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