
Pitx3ak mice lack a functioning retina and nearly all dopamine neurons of the substantia nigra (SN). del Rio-Marten et al (2019) reported that entrainment of circadian rhythms to daily light-dark and feeding schedules is absent in these mice. With food limited to 12h/day, food anticipatory circadian rhythms failed to emerge, and metabolic rhythms failed to synchronize with locomotor and feeding rhythms. The authors propose that retinal innervation of the suprachiasmatic nucleus clock is required for development of cyclic metabolic homeostasis, but methodological issues limit interpretation of the results. Using standardized feeding schedules and procedures for distinguishing free-running from entrained circadian rhythms, we confirm that behavioral and metabolic rhythms in Pitx3ak mice do not entrain to LD cycles, but we find no desynchrony between these rhythms nor a deficit in entrainment to daily feeding schedules. SN dopamine neurons surviving in Pitx3ak mice may define a mininum population sufficient for food entrainment.

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