
The 2:1 mica layer is composed of two opposing tetrahedral (T) sheets with an octahedral (M) sheet between to form a “TMT” layer (Fig. 1a⇓). The mica structure has a general formula of A M2–3 T4 O10 X2 [in natural micas: A = interlayer cations, usually K, Na, Ca, Ba, and rarely Rb, Cs, NH4, H3O, and Sr; M = octahedral cations, generally Mg, Fe2+, Al, and Fe3+, but other cations such as Li, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, and Zn can occur also in mica species; T = tetrahedral cations, generally Si, Al and Fe3+ and rarely B and Be; X = (OH), F, Cl, O, S]. Vacant positions (symbol:□) are also common in the mica structure (Rieder et al. 1998). In the tetrahedral sheet, individual TO4 tetrahedra are linked with neighboring TO4 by sharing three corners each (i.e., the basal oxygen atoms) to form an infinite two-dimensional “hexagonal” mesh pattern (Fig. 1b⇓). The fourth oxygen atom (i.e., the apical oxygen atom) forms a corner of the octahedral coordination unit around the M cations. Thus, each octahedral anion atom-coordination unit is comprised of four apical oxygen atoms (two from the upper and two from the lower tetrahedral sheet) and by two (OH) or F, Cl, O and S anions [the X anions, usually indicated as the OH or O(4) site]. The OH site is at the same level as the apical oxygen but not shared with tetrahedra. In the octahedral sheet, individual octahedra are linked laterally by sharing octahedral edges (Fig. 1c⇓). The smallest structural unit contains three octahedral sites. Structures with all three sites occupied are known as trioctahedral, whereas, if only two octahedra are occupied [usually M(2)] …

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