
At the level of severe attack, the type of vibrio bacteria cause 100% death in mangrove crab larvae, it can be overcome by using mangrove fruit extracts. Research information on the antibacterial activity of R.Stylosa and A.marina mangrove fruit extracts that cause vibriosis of mangrove crab larvae (Scylla serrata F), including further research on the minimum concentration of mangrove fruit extracts that still able to inhibit the growth of disease-causing bacteria in mangrove crab larvae, considering the use of medication / extracts at high doses is not safe for the early stages of mangrove crab larvae. The purpose of this study was to determine the minimum concentration of mangrove extracts (metanol R.stylosa and Chloroform A.marina) that can inhibit vibriosis in mangrove crab larvae (S. serrata). This study systematically began with fruit sample collection, extraction of R.Stylosa and A.marina active ingredients, bacterial isolation,% of extract calculation and antibacterial activity test for vibrio bacteria, then the minimum mangrove extract concentration or MIC (Minimum inhibition Concentration) test . The MIC test results of metanol extract of R.stylosa fruit were found at concentrations of 1000 ug / mL, where the minimum categorized concentration with area of 6.67ug / mL diamater inhibition zone, and the MIC test results of A.marina chloroform extract were found at concentrations of 250 ug/mL, which the minimum categorized concentration with an area of diameters of inhibition of 8.26 ug / m. The MIC test value is still categorized as safe to be applied to mangrove crab larvae (S. serrata).

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