
AbstrakBerdasarkan Riskesdas 2010, prevalensi balita Kurang Energi Protein (KEP) sebesar 17,9%. Penduduk Indonesia yang mengkonsumsi energi di bawah kebutuhan minimal sebanyak 40,7%, sedangkan untuk protein sebanyak 37%. Salah satu cara mengatasi KEP antara lain dengan diversifikasi pangan terutama di daerah rawan pangan ataupun masyarakat berdaya beli rendah. Pangan lokal fungsional yang bisa diupayakan adalah mocaf karena karbohidratnya tinggi dan lele karena proteinnya tinggi. Ketersediaan mocaf dan lele cukup melimpah dan mudah didapat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan formulasi tepung mocaf dan tepung lele pada produk Mie Kering “Mocafle” dapat diterima secara mutu fisik maupun mutu organoleptik dan terdapat peningkatan kadar zat gizinya. Metode penelitian Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 taraf perlakuan dan 5 kali replikasi. Taraf perlakuan berdasarkan proporsi tepung terigu, tepung mocaf, tepung tapioka, dan tepung lele dengan perbandingan P0 (100%; 0%; 0%; 0%), P1 (40%; 40%; 20%; 0%), P2 (35%; 40%; 20%; 5%), P3 (30%; 40%; 20%; 10%), dan P4 (25%; 40%; 20%; 15%). Parameter yang diamati adalah daya putus mie, rasa, warna, aroma, tekstur, karbohidrat, protein, lemak, dan kadar air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan penilaian terbaik panelis, mie “Mocafle” dengan formulasi tepung terigu 35%, tepung mocaf 40%, tepung tapioka 20%, dan tepung lele 5% secara mutu fisik dan mutu organoleptik relatif sama dengan mie kontrol, secara kandungan gizi proteinnya sedikit lebih rendah. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah dapat mewujudkan suatu produk berbahan dasar pangan lokal fungsional yang dapat diterima oleh masyarakat dan pemanfaatan mocaf dapat mengurangi ketergantungan kepada terigu.Kata kunci : tepung mocaf, tepung lele, mie kering, pangan lokal AbstractBased on Riskesdas 2010, the prevalence of toddler’s Protein Energy Deficiency (PEM) was accounting for 17.9%. Indonesian people consume under the minimal requirements as much as 40.7% for energy and 37% for protein. One of the ways to overcome PEM is food diversification, especially in food insecure areas and has low purchasing power. Local functional foods that could be secured are mocaf because of its high carbohydrate and catfish because of its high protein. The availability of mocaf and catfish is relatively abundant and easily obtained. The purpose of this research is to prove mocaf flour and catfish flour formulations on dried noodles "Mocafle" acceptable in their physical quality and organoleptic quality and to increase the nutritional quality. Research methods were completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 5 replications. Treatment was based on the proportion of wheat flour, mocaf flour, tapioca flour, and catfish flour with comparison P0 (100%:0%:0%:0%), P1 (40%: 40%: 20%: 0%), P2 (35%: 40%: 20%: 5%), P3 (30%: 40%: 20%: 10%), and P4 (25%: 40%: 20%: 15%). Parameters measured were breaking power of noodle, taste, color, flavor, texture, carbohydrates, protein, fat, and water content. The results showed that the best assessment based panelists was that "Mocafle" noodle with formulation of 35% wheat flour, 40% mocaf flour, 20% tapioca flour, and 5% catfish flour is relatively the same as standard noodles in their physical quality and organoleptic quality, while in their nutritional quality it has lower protein level. The conclusion of this study is that local functional food can be produced which can be accepted by the society and reduces wheat flour dependence.Keywords : mocaf flour,catfish fluor, dry noodles, local food

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