
Since the configuration of the magnetic field in the corona, where solar flares appear, cannot be determined from observations, to study the flare situation, a numerical magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation is carried out above the active region. MHD simulation performed in a greatly reduced (10 000 times) time scale permit to obtain results on the study of the solar flare mechanism, but the magnetic field configuration was distorted, especially near the photospheric boundary, due to the unnaturally rapid change in the field on the photosphere. For a more accurate study of the flare situation, MHD simulation in the real time scale was performed above the active region of AR 10365, which was made possible through the use of parallel calculations. The MHD simulation in the real scale of time above the AR 10365 during the first day of evolution showed the appearance of current density maxima with singular X-type line and plasma flow, which have to cause to the formation of a current sheet.

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