
The new ternary osmium borides MgOs3B4 and ScOs3B4 were prepared by reaction of the elements. They crystallize orthorhombically with Z=4 in the space group Cmcm. The crystal structures were determined from single crystal X-ray diffraction intensity data. MgOs3B4 (a=291.28(2) pm, b=1185.9(1) pm, c=975.8(1) pm, 621 reflections, R1=0.054) and ScOs3B4 (a=295.03(4) pm, b=1179.7(2) pm, c=981.9(1) pm, 516 reflections, R1=0.054) are isotypic. The structure contains isolated boron atoms coordinated by six osmium atoms at the corners of a trigonal prism and in addition boron atoms forming a new one-dimensional building element composed of corner sharing, slightly distorted squares with B–B distances of 200(1) pm in the Mg compound and 203(2) pm in the Sc compound. The Mg and Sc atoms, respectively, fill channels in the Os/B-framework running along the a axis.

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