
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) is the world’s most extensive social safety programme widely studied for its contribution to achieving poverty alleviation and strengthening the natural base in the country. However, there is a gap in research linking the programme implementation with the national and sub-national development goals, which are crucial to achieving the global goals of sustainable development. This study thus aims to derive district-level insights into MGNREGA implementation, taking Uttarakhand State as an example using spatial analysis tools. Getis-Ord statistic was used to obtain spatial clustering of the works implemented under the programme until 2017. Overlay analysis was synergistically applied on satellite images-based thematic envelopes, viz. land use land cover (LULC) and the terrain, which exerts a latent control on the overall programme implementation besides shaping the local development and planning efforts. The LULC and topography demonstrated a profound impact on the distribution of works in the State. Results obtained show a marked variation in work preference and their spatial clustering in various districts, thus, on the one hand, indicating the demand-driven nature of the programme and, on the other, its alignment with the local developmental needs of the State. The findings might help design fine -tuned plans for the State towards attaining far-reaching social-economic and environmental dividends.

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