
Despite decades of advances in automated estimation of the voice source (glottal flow) from the speech signal, manual glottal inverse filtering remains the gold standard; yet, options are limited regarding available software tools. Here, a new software application for glottal-flow estimation is introduced, with a graphical user interface designed for manual specification and tuning of inverse-filter parameters while results are updated and displayed in real-time. The user can flexibly control the signal polarity and sampling rate, the analysis frame position and duration, and the type of window and preemphasis for vocal-tract modeling. The tunable inverse-filter parameters are the frequencies and bandwidths of vocal-tract poles and zeros, and the lip-radiation coefficient. A single window displays graphical information in several panels: the speech waveform (scrollable), the selected frame, its log-power spectrum before and after preemphasis, the model spectrum including vocal-tract and lip-radiation effects, the estimated glottal-flow waveform, its derivative, and their log-power spectra. All information pertaining to an analysis may be saved at any time, ready to be reloaded for review or analysis resumption. Key data may also be exported for further use outside the application. The software will be made freely available to the research community.

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