
The accuracy with which a neural network interprets a point cloud depends on the quality of the features expressed by the network. Addressing this issue, we propose a multi-level feature extraction layer (MFEL) which collects local contextual feature and global information by modeling point clouds at different levels. The MFEL is mainly composed of three independent modules, including the aggregated GAPLayer, the spatial position perceptron, and the RBFLayer, which learn point cloud features from three different scales. The aggregated GAPLayer aggregates the geometry features of neighboring points in a local coordinate system to centroid by graph convolution. Then, the spatial position perceptron independently learns the position features of each point in the world coordinate system. Finally, the RBFLayer aggregates points into pointsets according to the correlation between features, and extracts features from the pointset scale through the quantization layer. Based on the MFEL, an end-to-end classification and segmentation network, namely the MFNet and MFNet-S, is proposed. In the proposed network, the channel-attention mechanism is employed to better aggregate multi-level features. We conduct classification and semantic segmentation experiments on four standard datasets. The results show that the proposed method outperforms the compared methods on the multiple datasets, resulting in 93.1% classification accuracy in ModelNet40. Furthermore, the mIoU of part semantic segmentation in ShapeNet is 85.4%, and the mIoU for semantic segmentation in S3DIS and Semantic3D is 62.9% and 71.9%, respectively.

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