
Translator's Preface 1. Overture Histories of History Illustrated History The Latin American Colloquia Historical Images Those Vast Cemeteries of Images 2. Ritornello Daguerreotypomania The Last Alchemist: Theodore Tiffereau 3. Canon Technology at the Service of a New Class: Portraiture in Mexico The Creation of a Profession The Profession of Photographer: First Phase In the Photographer's Studio An Art of Representation Prisoners and Prostitutes, Masters and Servants New Photographers, New Styles A Profession in Crisis: Helios Magazine 4. Pastorale The Natural Landscape and the Sublime Hugo Brehme's Picturesque Mexico The Photographer's Paradise The Cult of Landscape Pierre Verger: Mexico George Hoyningen-Huene: Mexican Heritage Eliot Porter: Mexican Celebrations Recuerdos de la Media Luna 5. Oratorio Landscape and the Culture of Progress Pal Rojti Inventories and Commemorations William Henry Jackson Abel Briquet and Charles B. Waite The Vogue for Stereographs 6. Requiem The Lost Cities Desire Charnay and the American Cities Alice Dixon and Mr. Le Plongeon La Commission Scientifique du Mexique Xlabpak: The Old Walls The Pyramid of the Sun Laura Gilpin: Solitary Photographer The Last Adventurer: Armando Salas Portugal In the Archive of Professor Retus 7. Capricho Vanishing Mexico Guillermo Kahlo: Colonial Churches 8. Toccata Indian Woman ... Skin Nearly Black Mexicans: A Self-Portrait Tipos mexicanos: Albums of Mexican Popular Types The Tlachiquero Photography and Ethnology The Scientific Expeditions of Leon Diguet Frederick Starr: Indians of Southern Mexico Carl Lumholtz's Unknown Mexico Sumner W. Matteson Founding Fathers Paul Strand or the Creation of an Aesthetic Anton Bruehl Fritz Henle Luis Marquez: Mexican Folklore Agustin Jimenez and Ricardo Razetti For 25 Cents ... Women of Juchitan Graciela in Juchitan Detritus Federal Nuevas grandezas mexicanasn Borders 9. Counterpoint Daguerreotypists at War Francois Aubert and Company, Imperial Reporters Before the Revolution With or without Tripod: The Technical (R)evolution The Revolution The Profession of Photographer: Second Phase Agustin Victor Casasola Ezequiel Alvarez Tostado, Businessman Rotofoto: Visual Journalism and Nothing More Palpitaciones de la vida nacional Days to Remember Nacho Lopez: Photojournalist 10. Danzon 11. Fantasia Essays Emilio Amero Carlos Jurado and the Revelation of the Unicorn Montages Siqueiros, Renau, Kahlo Artifice Notes Bibliography Index

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