
Management procedures (MP) were evaluated to address alternative management of the pink abalone (Haliotis corrugata) fishery in the Mexican Pacific. This assessment utilized the Method Evaluation and Risk Assessment (MERA) platform within the context of management strategy evaluation (MSE). This species has been a crucial component of the abalone fishery in Mexico, with a history dating back to the 19th century. Since 1996, fishery authorities and fishermen have noted a decline in the stock biomass. In response, they implemented various strategies and efforts to address the situation. However, despite these measures, the stock has yet to recover satisfactorily. Eight MP were evaluated, and two corresponded to the status quo (current catch and effort). The simulation results suggest that relying solely on effort-based MP falls short of meeting the management objectives set in the reference points (Biomass and Yield). In contrast, alternative strategies involving different quota allocation strategies (e.g., based on the depletion level) demonstrated superior performance and a higher likelihood of meeting management objectives. Despite incorporating fishery information, the existing management procedures could have performed better in the simulation. Therefore, it is crucial to assess and implement alternative management strategies that are more likely to succeed

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