
BOOK REVIEWS187 W. W. Blackford's account of Jeb Stuart's "Ride around McClellan," Sallie Putnam's portrait of life in Richmond, Richard Taylor's classic description of Stonewall Jackson in the Shenandoah Valley, and McClellan 's self-serving letters and reports. The narrative scrupulously avoids analysis, even of such controversial topics as James Longstreet's conduct at Seven Pines and Stonewall Jackson's repeated failures during the Seven Days. Sword Over Richmond should appeal especially to readers looking for an introduction to the Peninsula Campaign. Wheeler's adroit handling of his eyewitnesses will give them a dramatic, and often moving, chronicle of events. Those seeking new insights or fresh material will be disappointed. A worthy subject and ample manuscript sources beckon —with luck, the wait for a comprehensive modern work on the campaign will soon be over. Gary W. Gallagher Pennsylvania State University Mexican Lobby: Matías Romero inWashington, 1861 -1867. Edited and translated by Thomas D. Schoonover. (Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky, 1986. Pp. xviii, 184. $21.00.) Matías Romero, the Mexican diplomat in Washington during the Civil War and Reconstruction, was an amazing envoy. Although not yet twenty-five years old when he first came to the United States, he soon became a central figure in Benito Juarez's efforts to enlist active American aid in his struggle against the French invaders and their puppet Emperor Maximilian. Tirelessly engaged in rounding up support for his hard-pressed government, Romero established close personal and social relations with a number of leading American politicians, ranging all the way from radical Republicans like Benjamin F. Wade and Zachariah Chandler to Democrats like James McDougall and Samuel S. Cox. Above all, he became very friendly with General U.S. Grant and was on good terms with Andrew Johnson, so that he was able to achieve some measure of success in obtaining aid and support in the United States. Thomas D. Schoonover has now made available an English translation of a selection of Romero's dispatches to his government between 1861 and 1867. Skillfully rendered and conveniently arranged in chronological fashion, these communications contain a wealth of information about the activities of the Mexican minister, his American contacts, and the Mexican policies of both the Lincoln and Johnson administrations. In addition, they shed some light on Franco-American relations during the period covered. Because Romero always desired full-fledged, active support for the Liberal cause in Mexico, he was predictably disappointed in the cautious policies advocated by William H. Seward and Charles Sumner. Sus- 188CIVIL WAR HISTORY tained by Abraham Lincoln and to a lesser extent by Andrew Johnson, the secretary of state prevailed, and he emerges in these pages as the chief obstacle to Romero's aims. Although he had the support of General Grant and Senators Wade and Chandler, and managed to enlist many journalists as well, he never succeeded in obtaining the decided American intervention he desired, not even after the Civil War had ended. Professor Schoonover's introductory notes, both to the book and to the individual chapters, are most helpful. Unfortunately, however, they are not very detailed. It would have been useful had the editor supplied some information about the reasons for Seward's hesitation in complyingwith Romero's wishes and had he explained in more detail the conditions in Mexico which led Romero to make some of his more extravagant charges. As it is, it would be impossible to conclude from this volume that the secretary of state's policy had some merit. After all, the United States was involved in an all-absorbing civil war, and it could hardly afford to add France to its enemies. And after the war was over, Seward knew that a policy of watchful waiting would induce Napoleon III to withdraw from Mexico without an open rupture with the United States. Beset by European difficulties and conscious of American power, the emperor had to recall his army, and he made it sufficiently clear to the State Department that he would shortly abandon his imperialistventure in North America. Thus Seward was able to avoid an open rupture with France, and his policy, though unpalatable for Romero, was in the...

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