
All of us are Mestizos in Mexico: the blend of races is in our blood and, more important, in the spirit. The integration of Mexico is a fact. The fundamental doctrine of Mexico has been reiterated as that of nonintervention and the self-determination of peoples. We know that law is the shield of the weak, and Mexico has kept faithful to this doctrine. The 1917 Mexican Constitution was the result of the first social revolution of our century. Agrarian reform resulted in the redistribution of national income. Political stability and economic and social development have precluded damage to our progress by inflationary phenomena. By striving for progress and endeavoring to raise the living standards of the Mexicans, we respect their freedom, and liberty takes us to the enjoyment of the benefits of culture. The Mexican Revolution is now a success; we do not have to promise our people that it will be a success. We do not believe in nations as leaders to be followed with servility. Triumph will be for the countries that know how to produce more and distribute better, under absolute respect for human liberty, which, in the final analysis, will lead all peoples to the enjoyment of the benefits of culture, the best heritage man has received from his ancestors.

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