
This study employed grounded theory to formulate a conceptual model of intergenerational caregiving among Mexican American families. The sample consisted of 10 Mexican American caregivers of various generations older than 21 who provided at least one intermittent service (without pay at least once a month) to an elder, related through consanguinal or acquired kinship ties. The inductively generated theory of role acceptance is composed of four phases: (a) introduction--early caregiving experiences, (b) role reconciliation, (c) role imprint, and (d) providing or projecting care. This model can be used to study varied generations of Mexican American caregivers. It also provides a framework for comparison with other groups of caregivers. The results can help in designing nursing interventions to support caregivers based on understanding the issues, to create and design systems that address the varying and ever-changing needs of informal caregivers, and to assist in the formulation of policy that supports Mexican American caregivers.

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