
Juvenile hormone (JH) controls the growth, development, metamorphosis, and reproduction of insects. For many years, the general assumption has been that JH regulates tick and other acarine development and reproduction the same as in insects. Although researchers have not been able to find the common insect JHs in hard and soft tick species and JH applications appear to have no effect on tick development, it is difficult to prove the negative or to determine whether precursors to JH are made in ticks. The tick synganglion contains regions which are homologous to the corpora allata, the biosynthetic source for JH in insects. Next-gen sequencing of the tick synganglion transcriptome was conducted separately in adults of the American dog tick, Dermacentor variabilis, the deer tick, Ixodes scapularis, and the relapsing fever tick, Ornithodoros turicata as a new approach to determine whether ticks can make JH or a JH precursor. All of the enzymes that make up the mevalonate pathway from acetyl-CoA to farnesyl diphosphate (acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase, HMG-S, HMG-R, mevalonate kinase, phosphomevalonate kinase, diphosphomevalonate decarboxylase, and farnesyl diphosphate synthase) were found in at least one of the ticks studied but most were found in all three species. Sequence analysis of the last enzyme in the mevalonate pathway, farnesyl diphosphate synthase, demonstrated conservation of the seven prenyltransferase regions and the aspartate rich motifs within those regions typical of this enzyme. In the JH branch from farnesyl diphosphate to JH III, we found a putative farnesol oxidase used for the conversion of farnesol to farnesal in the synganglion transcriptome of I. scapularis and D. variabilis. Methyltransferases (MTs) that add a methyl group to farnesoic acid to make methyl farnesoate were present in all of the ticks studied with similarities as high as 36% at the amino acid level to insect JH acid methyltransferase (JHAMT). However, when the tick MTs were compared to the known insect JHAMTs from several insect species at the amino acid level, the former lacked the farnesoic acid binding motif typical in insects. The P450s shown in insects to add the C10,11 epoxide to methyl farnesoate, are in the CYP15 family; this family was absent in our tick transcriptomes and in the I. scapularis genome, the only tick genome available. These data suggest that ticks do not synthesize JH III but have the mevalonate pathway and may produce a JH III precursor.


  • Ticks are ectoparasites and important vectors of human and animal diseases

  • juvenile hormone (JH) biosynthesis is regulated by neuropeptides allatotropins and allatostatins produced in the brain that regulate JH biosynthesis in the stomatogastric nervous system and in the corpora allata in insects

  • It has been hypothesized that the lateral segmental organs located in the lateral nerve plexus between the pedal nerves leading from the synganglion may be the site of JH synthesis in ticks, primarily based on the abundance of smooth endoplasmic reticulum in these glands and the histological similarity of these organs to the insect corpora allata [5]

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Ticks are ectoparasites and important vectors of human and animal diseases. They ranked second only to mosquitoes as vectors of life-threatening or debilitating human and animal diseases and transmit a larger variety of pathogen-borne diseases than any other arthropod [1]. Pathogens harbored by ticks cause Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, tick paralysis, tick toxicoses, heartwater disease, irritation, tick bite allergies, immune responses and others diseases and cause economic losses in animal production due to blood loss and disease How ticks regulate their development and reproduction is of special interest because of their unique life style as obligatory blood feeders and their ancient divergence from crustaceans and insects [2]. Because ticks and mites as terrestrial arthropods are similar in appearance and have similar developmental stages as insects, the general assumption for many years has been that ticks were like insects in the hormones used for regulating reproduction [1] This was especially supported by Pound and Oliver [13] in studies with ticks and Oliver et al [14] in mites where they found that JH in vivo could rescue anti-JH effects and initiate egg development. Hard tick species and one soft tick species with comparative work with the first tick genome to provide evidence whether there is a potential role for the mevalonate and at least parts of the JH branch in tick development

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