
The significance of Metrology in infusion therapy and diagnostics, both critical in health care safety and quality, is discussed in this article. Although infusion therapy is the most used form of drug administration, infusion errors are often made with reported dramatic effects in different applications, especially in neonatology. Adverse incidents, morbidity, and mortality have often been traced back to poor or inaccurate dosing. For critical infusion applications to vulnerable patients, well-controlled medication administration might be accomplished by improved dosing accuracy, traceable measurement of volume, flow, and pressure in existing drug delivery devices and in-line sensors operating at very low flow rates. To this end, the contribution of recently upgraded metrological infrastructures in European Metrology Institutes to a safer infusion therapy in health care is described in detail. Diagnostics, on the other hand isa sector characterized by rapid developments further triggered recently by the necessity for the management andprevention of infectious diseases like COVID-19. In this context, the impact of metrology in future large-scale commercialization of next generation diagnostics (e.g., point-of-care) is highlighted. Moreover, the latest contributions of Metrology in the development of traceable testing methods and protocols to ensure the sensitivity and accuracy of these devices are described.

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