
The transformation of lingual methodology at the cross line of the epoch of civilizations is highlighted in the paper. Often the state with the methodology is not equal with general scientific level in accordance with leading linguists and philosophers. It is noted that linguists do not always refer to the methodology or explain it quite simply way. There is a vision of the methodology as a manifestation of theory or its identification with a set of methods. The philosophical principle of deconstruction is affirmed in linguistic research in a postmodern situation. Postmodernism has replaced the methodological requirements of classical rationality and a meaning unambiguity of a text with a multitude of the cognition illogical forms and intercultural forms of the meanings creation. A reorientation of requirements of the truth objectivity on to the truth pluralism with elements of subjectivity was happened. The methodology becomes a way for expressing non-scientific spiritual values of humanism. A methodological ideas renewal about general laws the creation of meanings, a method for explaining and linguistic presentation of reality is being opened from a standpoint of the naratology. For the naratology the subjectivity of reference as the identification of a concept with an non-linguistic object. The peculiarity of the so-called self-reference in cases of transcendence of concepts is noted. The postmodern methodology of linguistic study does focus on identifying of tools for meaning forming of the text based on the analysis of the method establishing a reference. Such a tool is seen the philosophical concept of conventionalism, a reaching of the concept correlation with the referent in different cultures. Methodologically, artificially assigned reference is based on the philosophy of pragmatism correct is that what satisfies the cultural needs of the narrator, its associative complexes. The role of philosophy as the methodology that contributes to the realization in linguistic researches the criteria in the humanization in the imperatives of postmodernism is consistently substantiated.

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