
Activity of hadith external criticism (<em>sanad</em>) and also internal criticism (<em>matn</em>) is the obligation of the observers in order to put its existence together with the Koran as the base of religious argumentation. The process of criticism should be done, knowing that there is no guareantee of hadith which are up to the Muslims society categorized of accepted hadith. In addition to a wide variety of methods to criticize <em>sanad</em>, there are also various offers for hadith editorial criticizing. One of them is the science of <em>mukhtalaf al-</em><em>hadîth</em>. The existence of this knowledge arises when doing data documentation (<em>takhrîj</em> <em>hadîth</em>) in the shade of the same-similar meaning. It will not be separated from the findings of controversial-looking hadith, and therefore the existence of such controversy should be sought in order to offer solutions with a strong suspect and also sort out the existing data to be placed in the proper position. Thus, this paper focuses on any viable solutions when dealing directly with the hadiths suspected controversial


  • Secara prinsip tidak mungkin bertentangan dengan dalîl lain baik dengan sesama hadis, al-Qur‟an, maupun rasio

  • This paper focuses on any viable solutions when dealing directly with the hadiths suspected controversial

  • Sedangkan ulama yang berafiliasi dengan mazhab H}anafîyah, lebih suka menerapkan metode al-naskh terlebih dahulu, kemudian al-tarjîh}, dan al-jam‘, jika kesemuanya tidak dapat menyelesaikan hadis yang kontradiktif, maka ditangguhkan (al-tawaqquf)

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Secara prinsip tidak mungkin bertentangan dengan dalîl lain baik dengan sesama hadis, al-Qur‟an, maupun rasio. Secara terminologi istilah ta‘ârud al-h}adîth didefinisikan oleh Yah}yâ al-Rahâwî al-Mis}rî dengan saling berhadapannya dua h}ujjah yang sama posisinya dalam satu konteks yang tidak mungkin dikompromikan.12 Definisi ini menurut „Usâmah „Abd Allâh Khayyât dianggap terlalu general, sebab kata h}ujjah mempunyai pengertian universal, mencakup alQur‟an, hadis, ijmâ‘, qiyâs, dan dalil rasio. Untuk itu ia merekonstruksi definisi ta‘ârud al-h}adîth dengan dua hadis atau lebih yang secara tekstual tampak saling bertentangan dalam pernyataannya.13

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