
The Qur'an is a guide for mankind. There are so many verses of the Qur'an that talk about the method of da'wah, including Surah Ali-Imran verse 104, An-Nahl verse 125 and Thaha verses 43-44. This research uses qualitative research with literature study technique. The method used is the method of comparative analysis. The comparative method in the science of interpretation is also known as the muqârin (comparative) method. The results of the research from the interpretation of Quraish Shihab and Buya Hamka have similarities and also some differences in interpreting the verses of the da'wah method mentioned above. The two commentators explained that the obligation of da'wah is for all Muslims, but there must be a special group that becomes the core of the da'wah movement as referred to in the letter Ali-Imran verse 104. The da'wah method mentioned in an-Nahl verse 125 is the method of wisdom, mau`izhah hasanah and jidal. And finally in Surah Thaha verses 43-44 the method of da'wah for the rulers is explained by using gentleness.

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