
This article intends to scrutinize various translation decisions of translators and editors in translating a text back to its culture through a case study of textless back translations of The Grande Turke Süleyman the Magnificent, Sultan of the Ottomans. It also makes an attempt to explore how the traditional distinction between domestication and foreignization translation methods might vary in these texts with a special reference to paratranslation. Paratranslation, coined as a term by a Translation and Paratranslation (T&P) research group at the University of Vigo, developed by Yuste Frías (2012, 2015) and already used in the research of translation studies for a while, is worthy of special attention for it enables to re-evaluate translation methods and re-emphasize how translation decisions might become diversified. The source text at the focal point of the study is considered to have a crucial place in Turkish history and culture for it narrates the tenth Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, Süleyman’s life from birth to death in detail. It was written by the English writer Fairfax Downey (1893-1990) in 1929 and translated into Turkish three times by different translators. The source text and textless back translations, known as a specific kind of back translation, have been analyzed comparatively in terms of paratranslation within the scope of this study since the texts included the addition of abundant paratextual elements. The findings have shown that paratranslations employed in the source texts’ repatriations allow to pinpoint different translation agents’ authorial or interventionist decisions in textless back translations. Additionally, the present study has witnessed that “re-domestication” as a more distinct translation method might be employed in different cases of translation such as textless back translations.

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