
The title compound, C26H28N2O9·1.5H2O, the product of an acid-catalysed Wagner–Meerwein skeletal rearrangement, crystallizes as a sesquihydrate with the O atom of one of the two independent water mol­ecules occupying a special position on a twofold axis. The organic mol­ecule comprises a fused penta­cyclic system containing two five-membered rings (cyclo­pentane and tetra­hydro­furan) and three six-membered rings (piperidinone, tetra­hydro­pyridine and benzene). The five-membered rings have the usual envelope conformations, and the central six-membered piperidinone and tetra­hydro­pyridine rings adopt boat and sofa conformations, respectively. In the crystal, there are three independent O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, which link the organic mol­ecules and water mol­ecules into complex two-tier layers parallel to (001). The layers are further linked into a three-dimensional framework by attractive inter­molecular carbon­yl–carbonyl inter­actions.


  • The title compound, C26H28N2O9Á1.5H2O, the product of an acid-catalysed Wagner–Meerwein skeletal rearrangement, crystallizes as a sesquihydrate with the O atom of one of the two independent water molecules occupying a special position on a twofold axis

  • The layers are further linked into a three-dimensional framework by attractive intermolecular carbonyl–carbonyl interactions

  • Supplementary data and figures for this paper are available from the IUCr electronic archives (Reference: YA2114)

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Structure Reports Online

The title compound, C26H28N2O9Á1.5H2O, the product of an acid-catalysed Wagner–Meerwein skeletal rearrangement, crystallizes as a sesquihydrate with the O atom of one of the two independent water molecules occupying a special position on a twofold axis. The organic molecule comprises a fused pentacyclic system containing two five-membered rings (cyclopentane and tetrahydrofuran) and three six-membered rings (piperidinone, tetrahydropyridine and benzene). The five-membered rings have the usual envelope conformations, and the central six-membered piperidinone and tetrahydropyridine rings adopt boat and sofa conformations, respectively. There are three independent O—HÁ Á ÁO hydrogen bonds, which link the organic molecules and water molecules into complex two-tier layers parallel to (001). The layers are further linked into a three-dimensional framework by attractive intermolecular carbonyl–carbonyl interactions

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