
The basis of requesting resources from a remote server for all browsers is protocol HTTP/1(HyperText Transfer Protocol) since 1992. It has a great number of shortcomings, most of which were fixed with the release of a new version of this protocol - HTTP/2. Its main distinguishing feature is implementation based on the technologies and algorithms of the SPDY protocol. In HTTP/2 were implemented following technologies: data compression of HTTP headers, HTTP/2 Server Push, pipelining of requests, fixing the head-of-line blocking problem in HTTP/1.x, multiplexing multiple requests over a single TCP connection. It also became possible to send data that has not yet been requested by the user, but with a high probability will be called soon. All this mechanisms reduce page loading delays and increase the reliability of the current connection. This article discusses two technologies of the HTTP/2 protocol, which, presumably, will have the greatest impact on the speed of access to resources during the implementation of high-speed environment for accessing the university's e-learning platform. The main goal of this work is analyzing various mechanisms of server requests to provide users the possibility of high-speed access to the university's e-learning platform. To achieve this goal, we investigated the possible ways to access the training platform, and analyzed the influence of multiplexing and prioritization on page loading speed. Upon the research, methods of forming flows using the HTTP/2 protocol were considered. It also were analyzed the benefits of multiplexing several requests in a single TCP connection over the HTTP/1 protocol, in which only multiple TCP connections could be used. The prioritization methods employed by the most popular browsers were investigated. In addition, the case of using default settings for browsers that do not support prioritization was considered. The study and analysis shows that multiplexing and prioritization of requests really accelerate page loading, but the loading order is not always optimal. To accomplish this, it is preferred to use more complex priority schemes that are difficult to implement on the browser or server side.

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