
The article reveals the content of the category "methodology", the general philosophical and methodological principles of cognition, which are usually defined by the term "philosophical foundations of science"; tasks in the development of general scientific, conceptual problems, conceptual and categorical apparatus, which are concretized by the relevant legal sciences.The article is dedicated to the study of cognitive methods, research in law, incl. In the civil law. It examines the principles of humanities methodology, the system of scientific knowledge methods, its structure, the elements of which are: (1) general (philosophical) method; (2) general scientific methods; (3) interdisciplinary methods; (4) methods of individual legal disciplines, the essence of which is determined, first of all, by the subject of research, the degree of generality of the tasks to be solved. Among recent general cognitive methods, such methods as: synergistic, systemic-dialectical, system approach method, deterministic method are often mentioned.Levels of cognition are characterized, the main criteria for their differences (theoretical and empirical cognition) are: (1) the nature of the research subject; 2) type of research tools used; (3) features of the method, as well as the interaction of the acquired knowledge and its conceptual interpretation, explaining the genesis and interaction of the acquired knowledge, its conceptual interpretation.The aim of the study is to analyze the opinions expressed about the concepts, nature, structure and meaning of cognitive (research) methods: law, the nature of general law and the features of sectoral methods in creating the structure of law in general, their systematization, as well as the nature and structure of the method of legal regulation of civil rights.The object of research is the concept, essence, structure, role and meaning of cognitive (research) methods.The tasks of the research are determined by its purpose, and they consist of the identification of the theoretical approaches of law, their nature, structure, and legal knowledge (research) methods.The article highlights the main aspects characteristic of any cognitive method: (1) objective-content; (2) operative; (3) praxeological aspect.Attention is drawn to the fact that nowadays, in addition to the materialistic dialectic, the idealistic dialectic can certainly be used in scientific research.

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