
Genomic data alignment, a fundamental operation in sequencing, can be utilized to map reads into a reference sequence, query on a genomic database and perform genetic tests. However, with the reduction of sequencing cost and the accumulation of genome data, privacy-preserving genomic sequencing data alignment is becoming unprecedentedly important. In this paper, we present a comprehensive review of secure genomic data comparison schemes. We discuss the privacy threats, including adversaries and privacy attacks. The attacks can be categorized into inference, membership, identity tracing and completion attacks and have been applied to obtaining the genomic privacy information. We classify the state-of-the-art genomic privacy-preserving alignment methods into three different scenarios: large-scale reads mapping, encrypted genomic datasets querying and genetic testing to ease privacy threats. A comprehensive analysis of these approaches has been carried out to evaluate the computation and communication complexity as well as the privacy requirements. The survey provides the researchers with the current trends and the insights on the significance and challenges of privacy issues in genomic data alignment.

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