
This article uses the term “spatial knowledge” to describe methods aimed at obtaining qualitative data on urban space. The study examines the coexistence of formal planning with informal planning practices. This coexistence takes place in the context of changes in current legislation and the growing influence of local communities in urban development planning. This paper describes certain methods for analyzing the "spatial practices" of the local community and examples of interaction between municipal authorities and NGOs. Communication between governmental and non-governmental planning agents explicitly or implicitly influences urban development by gradually transforming the "rational model" that defined planners as neutral analysts. Approbation of methods for obtaining quality data on urban space took place during various workshops at the All-Ukrainian festival "Cities of Ukraine" in Dnipro from 2016 to 2020. Thus, to analyze the manifestations of spatial tactics of citizens, the method of mapping places of artistic action was used. In combination with the method of mapping urban areas with limited access, it provides data on the nature of use (or restrictions on use) of common space. The analysis of property rights with an assessment of developers’ (or tenants’) intentions regarding the main and adjacent land plots was conducted using the mixed methodology. First of all, open sources (cadastral maps) were analyzed to determine the owners of plots. The data obtained were supplemented by information from the town-planning councils where intentions to develop specific sites were stated in the form of various projects. Subsequently, the method of implicit property rights analysis was used in the development concept of the Naberezhna Peremohy area in Dnipro. In general, all these city workshops, as well as practical planning performed in cooperation with a local architectural workshop, are relevant to the inclusion of informal practices in urban development planning. The transformation of the "rational model" of spatial planning requires using not only quantitative but also qualitative data of the place. Characterization of spatial tactics of citizens, identification of places of joint action with the definition of "urban voids" and identification of the main "actors" of spatial development contribute to the effectiveness of planning proposals.

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