
The article analyzes the concept of didactic methods and the conditions of their use in the process of forming students’ communicative competence as an important factor in their ability to effectively present their scientific and research activities. The division of methods of formation of communicative competence into passive, active and interactive methods is considered in detail. The advantages of using active methods are indicated, which is determined by the new tasks of school education — not only to give students knowledge, but also to ensure the formation and development of communicative competence, cognitive interests and abilities, creative thinking, abilities and skills of independent mental work. Special attention is paid to interactive methods of forming students’ communicative competence. The priority characteristics of such methods are named: a high level of students’ knowledge acquisition, the expansion of their cognitive abilities, active participation in the learning process, independence in solving problems, self-regulation of behavior, increased motivation, partnership between the teacher and students, positivity, optimistic assessment, etc. It is stated that in the process of using interactive methods of forming students’ communicative competence, it is necessary to clearly follow the algorithm of actions: to set a creative task based on educational information; organize work in a group and/or educational simulation game, conduct a general discussion — summary. It is argued that great opportunities for the formation of communicative competence and creative activity of students are represented by interactive games, the necessary condition of which is dialogic communication. Concrete examples of the use of interactive games are offered, in particular: simulation game (a certain activity is simulated), operational game (performance of specific actions is practiced), role-playing game (tactics of behavior are practiced), business theater (a certain situation is played out, the behavior of a person in this situation), game-reflection (the ability to analyze the situation, assess one’s own condition and the condition of another person, establish contact is practiced).

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