
The article describes the method of forming a responsible attitude to the system of professional values in future teachers. The essence of a responsible attitude to professional pedagogical activity is manifested in: the future teacher's awareness of the value of his profession, his own place in the professional environment, the formation of motives for professional behavior; the teacher has integrated subject and psychological-pedagogical knowledge, formed professional abilities and skills, experience in the practical implementation of professional activities; skillful organization by the teacher of his activity and effective management of it; the teacher's abilities to analyze pedagogical situations and pedagogical reflection; feelings of satisfaction from the results of pedagogical activity, striving for creative implementation of the teacher's duties and overcoming difficulties on the way to professional development. In the process of teaching the educational disciplines «Pedagogy», «Methodology of educational work», «History of pedagogy», «Fundamentals of pedagogical mastery», the methodology of forming a responsible attitude to the system of pedagogical values in future teachers was introduced. The requirements for the teacher's professional competencies were analyzed on the basis of modern documents on education. We determined the content of the educational material, identified semantic connections between its elements. The development of the procedural component consisted in the study of professional experience, the performance of cognitive and practical tasks. In the process of organizing educational activities, both traditional (lectures, practical, laboratory classes) and interactive (group work, business games, problem-based learning, project method) forms of work were introduced.

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