
IntroductionChanges in the socio-economic environment gave rise to the restructuring of light industry enterprises and consumer services, the rapid development of market services in the fashion industry, resulted in the expansion of labour functions of employees. This predetermined the working specifics of a professional fashion designer, who aims at the development of various forms of industrial property.Since the present stage of scientific and technical progress, containing a system of interrelated technologies is largely but not technical by nature, the college, as the part of educational system, is important link in the development of skills (TS) of its graduates.Given the content of the standard of vocational education speciality 1211000 - Garment industry and fashion design (State Educational Standard, 2002) on the example of Kazakhstan and the requirements of the modern fashion industry as concerns the level of college training of designers, it became necessary to determine the key components of competence, which today is a part of the professional of the future fashion and can be defined as an integrative professional quality, which is characterised by knowledge about the technologies and knowledge of technologies, methods, tools, forms of and the conditions of their use, and the organisation; where creative skills, designing skills, analytical skills and reflexive positioning related to the results of their activity (dudova, 2013), providing the successful career of a college graduate both within the world fashion trends and national traditions.The modern fashion industry (French: mode - measure, way, rule) is characterised by o.A. Smolina as a sector of the economy specialised in the clothing production, which has impact on the level of the social productive forces development, characterised by short-term dominance of a certain taste, reflecting the short-term and superficial changes in the external forms of clothing, representing specific features of a fragile and quickly passing popularity (Smolina, 2010).Today, the labour market in the fashion industry makes new demands of the college graduate in the speciality Fashion designer. The state standard of this speciality implies the implementation of such professional activities of a college graduate as industrial-technological and industrial-managerial work. Consequently, our graduate should be able not only to organise the provision of public services for the design, engineering and manufacture of fashion clothes but also to correlate them with modern fashion trends, thus actually providing the full range of services from the idea to the sale of services as goods based on the realisation of the whole process of its production.Our research paper aims at the search of methods of development of of the college students, training in the speciality Fashion designer. The tasks of the research paper are to reveal the essence of the notion technological competence and its content relating to the future fashion designer; to define specific features of of the future fashion designer; to work out the development model of of the future fashion and to provide its scientific - methodical substantiation; to work out the methodology of development of college students training in the speciality Fashion designer and to check its results through experiment.The novelty of the research paper includes the following: the essence of the notion technological competence has been specified; this is based on the basic components of educational of the future fashion designer: problem setting, setting goals and objectives of the activity, modelling, planning the algorithm of the process, reflection. The methodology of development was elaborated; this includes integration of course designing on general and special technical disciplines, the requirements for the study tasks structure were defined with a view to develop the students' competence; the didactic conditions as regards realisation of the methodology of college students' in the speciality Fashion designer were identified. …

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