
The article presents materials based on the methods of evaluation of environmental quality indices influence on the prevalence and sickness rate of region agrosphere population. Within the period of the year 2018 the state of environment in the region and districts of Polissia zone was characterized by the existence of pollutants emission into atmosphere — from 1,6 to 7 kg per a person, discrepancy of fresh water quality to the state sanitary standards 2.2.4-171-10 according to chemical — from 11,4 to 33,5 % and microbiological indices — from 19,3 to 44 %, contents of Cesium-137 in the soils — from 0,06 to 0,94 cure per square kilometre, in Forest-Steppe zone by existence of forest areas — from 17 to 25 %; pollutants emission into atmosphere — from 1,9 to 47,7 kg per a person, discrepancy of fresh water quality to the state standards according to chemical — from 12,6 to 36,6 %, and microbiological indices — from 13,6 to 32,2 %, coming out radon from the soil surface — from 28 to 89 mBk (m2×c). The pointed out distinctions in the state of environment of regional districts promoted the differentiation of diseases spreading among population. It is ascertained that prevalence and population sickness rate in the districts and region, as well as death-rate of small children under a year of life, born alive, greatly depend from rather weak to moderate connection on the following indices of environment quality: stimulators — areas of forests and territories covered with woods, mobile forms of zinc; destimulators — values of radon flow density, emission of pollutants into atmosphere, indices of fresh water quality discrepancy to the standards. It is suggested to calculate qualitative and quantitative indices of region agrosphere ecological safety as to prevalence of respiration and digestion organs, systems of blood circulation, neoplasms, small children under a year of life mortality using dependencies which have the type of falling parabolas of the second order from min — 0 till — max that are determined for level of the region. The prevalence and sickness rate of region population concerning diabetes fluctuate in the limits of 236 to 406 cases out of 10000 people correspondingly. The results of regressive analysis prove that the increase of mobile forms of zinc contents in the soils of the region would promote the decrease of prevalence and sickness rate of region population suffering from diabetes.

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