
The problem of environmental pollution has now acquired global significance. Helminth eggs in liquid manure laid in open-type sedimentation tanks in October-November, remain viable for 12 months or more, and in spring-summer manure for 4–5 months. Therefore, uninfected liquid manure in both winter and summer poses a serious threat of contamination of reservoirs, soil, groundwater, feed and pastures with dangerous pathogens for humans and animals. This circumstance makes it necessary to carry out disinfestation of manure of all categories. Based on the above, the purpose of the work was to analyze existing methods of manure disinfection and manure effluents. All methods of deworming (disinvasion) of manure and its fractions can be divided into three groups: biological, physical and chemical. It is generally recognized that biological methods for decomposing organic waste are considered environmentally acceptable and cost-effective. Some of the analyzed physical and chemical methods also have a certain effectiveness of disinfection. When using these groups of disinfectants, constant monitoring and compliance with technological parameters is necessary, as well as the norms for the consumption of disinfectants and the exposure time must be observed.

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