
This article is devoted to solving the problem of determination of rates of electric rolling stock conductive interference on the mechanisms of subway track circuits using the example of SUE Petersburg Subway System. This allows us to investigate the electromagnetic compatibility of rolling stock and train traffic control devices, first of all, track circuits. These problems are solved using the electromagnetic compatibility theory. Some features of the interference that appear during track circuit operation are described in this paper, including separation of interference to danger and interrupting. The investigation has shown that the requirements for the interference current that is generated by the rolling stock should be standardized for investigating the electromagnetic compatibility of electric rolling stock with a frequency motor and track circuit equipment. The main information from the standards based on the research is given. The rates of danger and interrupting interference on the rolling stock currents are given. Also the rates of interference currents in the audio frequency track circuits and the track circuits with the frequency of 50 Hz, and the rates of interference currents in the rails for specified asymmetry coefficient are given.

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