
Methods of cell immobilization roughly parallel those of enzyme immobilization and can best be classified by the nature of the mode of attachment, that is, as mechanical, chemical or ionic. In mechanical immobilization, the cells are localized by means of physical barriers. In chemical immobilization, covalent bonds are formed among cells or to a solid phase. In ionic immobilization, electrostatic, van der Waal’s or London forces of attraction are present. Cells can also attach themselves to solid supports in the course of natural growth, using a combination of these means. This classification is obviously not clear-cut but does serve the purpose of organizing the diverse methods of immobilization available. In Table 2.1, examples of cell immobilization are classified by mode of attachment.KeywordsCell ImmobilizationCalcium AlginateCitric Acid ProductionGlucose IsomeraseMechanical AttachmentThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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