
The resolutions of the February and June 1958 plenums of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, "Further Development of the Collective Farm System and Reorganization of the Machine and Tractor Stations," and "Elimination of Compulsory Deliveries and Payment in Kind for the Work of the Machine and Tractor Stations and a New Procedure for, Prices of, and Conditions for Purchase of Agricultural Products," mark a new stage in the development of the collective farm system. This signifies a further development of economic relationships between the collective farms and socialist industry, an expansion of commodity circulation between town and country, and a wider utilization in collective farm production of the law of value of commodity and monetary relationships in the interests of a sharp upsurge in the collective farm economy, a raising of the level of socialization of the means of production and of labor, and a gradual uplift of the collective and collective farm form of property to the level of general public property.

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