
The paper presents the development of liver resection methods; it is a brief description of the evolution of improvement and implementation of many scientists’, researchers’ and practical doctors’ ideas, mainly aimed at preventing severe complications, the most common and important of which are bleeding and bile leakage, leading to a series of irreversible consequences and patients death. All described methods originate from each, from simple to complex - from elementary crushing of the liver tissue with two fingers and ligation of tubular structures to compression clips and cryo-scalpel. In the XX century, due to developments in medical technologies and medical physics new contemporary methods of microwave coagulation, using plasma surgical units and radiofrequency generators appeared. Hemo- and cholestasis effects of each method have its own advantages and disadvantages, which are reflected in the presented review. So far, the choice of liver resection method, excluding the most complications of intra- and postoperative periods is a matter of the sole initiative of each hepatic surgeon. The problem of preventing the most frequent complications is related to the surgery method and requires further studies and improvements. The survey does not reflect our own technique developed for liver resection used for 10 years, which is presented for a patent registration and further publication with detailed description of this technique and the results of operations, both immediate and long term.

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