
Debriefing is a complex task. Instructors need intensive initial training as well as continuous practice and feedback in order to be and to stay good facilitators, to reflect on their role and to harmonize approaches within a simulator team. Modern video systems are available in most simulator-based courses anyway and can be easily set up to record debriefings. A category system can be used to analyse the video recorded debriefings in terms of issues discussed. This can be matched to the plans facilitators had for the debriefing. This comparison can structure the discussions within a simulator team for continuous “quality assurance”. We will also present paper and pencil based methods that can be used online during debriefings without the need for video recording. These methods allow to code the interactions during debriefings, focussing on contents, type of interaction (questions, utterances), or the amount of talking time. Results are available with only little additional work and can also be used to discuss debriefing approaches in simulator teams and also during instructor training. We will address general principles of providing feedback within a simulator team.

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