
Double pulsing in neutron coincidence counters is the result of a pulse processing chain- 3 He proportional counter timing incompatibility known to nondestructive assay system designers. It is not currently widely acknowledged, or accounted for, in the user community. However, it is gaining attention as list mode data acquisition and analysis becomes more commonly used for system diagnostics, revealing features that have been overlooked by historic timing gate selection using traditional shift register data acquisition methods. Double pulsing increases the apparent number of measured neutron events from a source. Therefore, it may contribute to a falsely increased count rate if present at the operational high voltage used when assaying samples, even with set predelays. The authors have previously studied the effects of double pulsing, using list mode data acquisition and analysis on neutron pulse trains in three common neutron coincidence counting systems used in routine measurements for international safeguards: a Canberra Industries JCC-71 Neutron Coincidence Collar, a variant on the Canberra Industries JCC-51 Active Well Neutron Coincidence Counter (the Large Volume Active Well Neutron Coincidence Counter), and an AnTech Inc. N2071 Neutron Coincidence Collar. This non-ideal behavior was isolated to the Amptek A111 Charge Sensitive Preamplifier & Discriminator chip used in both the Canberra Industries and Antech systems. The double pulsing fraction was calculated in post-analysis for various high voltage settings in these A111-based systems, assuming no predelay settings. In this work, the authors expand upon this identification and analysis to make it more translatable between list mode data acquisition and analysis and shift register-based analysis. By investigating the double pulsing fractions in a JCC-71 Uranium Neutron Collar as a function of predelay settings, as well as describing and performing alternative tests and analyses to diagnose and quantify the double pulsing using shift register logic, this work hopes to complete the picture of double pulsing identification and analysis.

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