
A method for estimating the maximum allowable length of service in high noise conditions based on the calculation of the allowable working dose when working in working conditions with exceeding hygienic standards, which is based on the “equal energy” rule applicable to any factor of the each working environment is presented. A method of calculating the dose of the permissible noise level during the entire seniority LCT is proposed, on the assumption of threshold permissible values of the sound level (equivalent sound level), which allows implementing an occupational safety management strategy, both through organizational measures (transfer to areas with acceptable noise levels) and the development of measures to improve working conditions and safety. The dose principle of hygienic rationing allows us to estimate the actual load on the employee’s sensory systems and the required number of days of rest or work with reduced noise levels. To solve this problem, in the presented methodology, analytical methods that are proposed, allows to count the number of days of rest (or work with a reduced dose of noise) during a shift, month or year depending on the value of the equivalent noise level LA and the duration of its impact.

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