
Intestinal absorption of strontium from an oral test dose was studied in 13 healthy human volunteers using double tracer techniques with two stable strontium isotopes as tracers. Defined amounts of one isotope were administered orally, while tracer amounts of the second isotope were injected intravenously. Two different methods were used to assess the total fraction absorbed (f1 value). Fractional intestinal strontium absorption can be calculated from the ratio of the two isotopes in plasma or urine samples (in this paper called the double-isotope method) or the convolution integral technique, since both methods provide an accurate estimate of fractional absorption and yield comparable results. The latter additionally provides information on the absorption kinetics in the gastrointestinal tract. The absorption varies with respect to the chemical form and to the amount administered. Absorption patterns are characteristically different for uptake from solutions or from whole meals.

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