
The essential features of the most effective forms and means of organization of extracurricular educational work with young schoolchildren in the formation of their moral and value orientations are hightlighted in the article, namely: traditional, interactive, mass; set of methods: communicative-cognitive, motivational-educational, educational, active (practical); means: educational, cognitive, search and research activity and specific socially useful work, mass and charitable affairs, audiovisual means. The main characteristics of the levels of implementation of the developed authorʼs methodology of moral and value orientations of junior schoolchildren formation in the process of extracurricular educational work are determined, namely: the first level ‒ initial, the second level – basic, and the third level – creative and active. The following pedagogical conditions for the effective implementation of the developed methodology of moral and value orientations of junior schoolchildren formation in the process of extracurricular educational work are characterized: levels of implementation of the developed authorʼs methodology; saturation of the process of extracurricular educational work on the formation of the moral and value orientations of younger students’ emotional and value experiences in solving morally oriented problem situations; development of activities and practices of morally oriented actions, behaviors and activities, as an extrapolation of the ability of younger students to effectively apply the acquired morally oriented knowledge throughout the diversity of their lives.

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