
Every year, the number of offenses related to "forgery of a person" in the Russian Federation is only growing, but there is no liability for fraud of this kind. The article discusses ways of seizing someone else's document with a socially dangerous illegal purpose. The arbitrary acquisition of a passport, as well as with temporary borrowing, is considered in detail as not explicitly related to illegal acts. An attempt is made to answer the question of whether the passport is property. cases of the use of other people's documents or personal data with a socially dangerous illegal purpose are also considered. The author draws attention to the fact that the number of different types of cases of "forgery of a person" is much more than was presented. These types need to be analyzed in detail in further studies from the point of view of violation of inalienable rights, and especially the right to a name. These issues are investigated using logical and systematic methods, analysis and synthesis, formal legal, comparative legal methods of cognition. The main conclusion of the study is the position on the need to expand the disposition of Part 3 of Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation by fixing the possibility of criminal prosecution for using someone else's document or personal data for a socially dangerous illegal purpose.

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