
Keywords: the concept of «technology transfer», technology fields, local and basictechnologies, the object of transfer, contractual relations, intellectual property.
 The article considers the methodology of technologytransfer from the point of economic and legal content in the field of intellectualproperty. It is noted that there is no single definition of technology transfer, as scientistsin various fields interpret it due to the peculiarities of their field of activity. Atthe general level, the field of technology is considered as the birth of technologies,their types and maturity, which are the objects of transfer, taking into account the peculiaritiesof state regulation in the field of transfer. It is in the field of technologythat an invention (utility model) is born, as a result of intellectual, creative human activity;that is, they associate this process with the material carriers of technologies, orthe intangible phenomenon becomes a material state. The transfer of technology is associatedwith the transition to technical means, technological processes, and computernetworks. It is considered from the point of law as a type of communication betweenbusiness entities on the basis of contractual relations. It is determined thatfrom the point of methodology of technologies and their components transfer, theissue of technologies origin and the nature of their creation require in-depth study,and that is important to indicate the author(s) (owner(s)) of the result of intellectual,creative activity in the field of intellectual property. The main goal of the technology can be achieved only if there is a quantitative assessment of the perfection of theprocess and product quality. Technology uses two types of models: ideal objects ofbasic sciences, on the basis of which the most general laws and regularities of naturalsciences are formulated, and ideal objects of technology itself, on the basis of whichmorphological descriptions of separate stages and functional descriptions of the structureof technological lines are made. New local technologies are the result of inventions,utility models in the field of technologies, which have a specific author(s) (inventor(s)) and which are the object of transfer. Amendments to the terms of Article 1of the Law of Ukraine «On State Regulation of Technology Transfer Activities».

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