
The article is devoted to the analysis and review of methodology of research of the problem of formation of professional competence of future pharmacy specialists. Proper analysis of modern scientific sources dedicated to the improvement of professional training of the future specialist of the pharmaceutical industry is carried out, based on which a number of leading methodological approaches to the study of the issue under discussion are identified as follows: systemic, activity, integrative, competence, technological. The role and place of each of the approaches to the study of the problem of formation of professional competence of future specialists in the pharmaceutical industry is determined. It is noted that a systemic approach was used to study the problem of forming the professional competence of future pharmacists in the process of professional training. It allows to consider the problem under discussion as a system. Aspects of the systemic approach, which are realized in professional formation and development of the specialist of pharmacy, are analyzed. The importance of the activity approach to the organization of research, professional training and connection of the content of professional training and education with the work of future pharmacists is considered. The role of the integrative approach to the problem of formation of professional competence in the process of training pharmacy specialists through the integration of different activities in the process of theoretical and practical training is clarified. The professional competence of future pharmacists on the basis of an integrative approach is considered as a characteristic of personality that combines personal qualities, professional knowledge, work experience that ensure the ability of future professionals to effective professional activity in the pharmaceutical field. The functions, the main tasks of the competence approach to the problem of formation of professional competence of a specialist are described. Possibilities of the technological approach which provides effective changes in the organization of educational process, its improvement and guarantees a certain level of formation of professional competence are specified. Prospects for further research, which are to substantiate the model of formation of professional competence of future pharmacists on the basis of certain approaches, are outlined. Thus, the mechanism of implementation of a scientifically sound model can be developed.

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