
The article considers the methodology of research of legal liability for violations of forest legislation, as well as methodological tools specific to this area of ​​jurisprudence, which provides a comprehensive and comprehensive study of this phenomenon. Methodological approaches that are crucial for the disclosure of this topic include systemic, historical and demanding approaches. Examples of normative-legal acts which were investigated by means of system, logical, historical-chronological and hermeneutic methods are given. The methodology for researching legal liability for violation of forest legislation as a social phenomenon includes general philosophical approaches common to all sciences, methods of other legal and non-legal sciences, as well as methodological tools typical for this particular area of jurisprudence, which provides a comprehensive and comprehensive study of this phenomenon. The methodological approaches, which are of decisive importance for the disclosure of this topic, include the systemic, historical and need-based approaches. Among the general philosophical, general scientific and special scientific research methods, which reveal as fully as possible the problems of legal responsibility for violation of forest legislation, include methods based on three laws of dialectics, logical (in which methods of analysis, synthesis, abstraction are highlighted), historical-chronological, hermeneutic, comparative and formal legal. The examples of normative legal acts, which were studied using a systematic approach, logical, historical-chronological and hermeneutic methods, are given. Key words: legal responsibility, forestry legislation, methodology, methodological approach, method, general scientific methods, normative legal act, penalties.

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