
The article analyses the situation with the lack of systematic control over the originality of texts of students’ written works in secondary schools, including individual projects, provided by the Russian Federal State Educational Standards. The authors point out that compliance with the academic program’s requirements to observe the norms and rules of citation and absence of plagiarism in the texts of individual projects is not ensured in practice in any way. In particular, schools have not developed evaluation criteria and procedures for monitoring. Also, there is no access to the necessary text reuse detection tools. The article substantiates the necessity for secondary education to check students’ for reused text by using specialized software on the example of the “Antiplagiat” system. As a result of the study, a methodology of introducing digital tools for text reuse detection in schools is presented. We developed such a methodology for secondary schools for the first time. It will allow avoiding the repetition of methodological errors made during the introduction of tools for text reuse detection in higher education, provide methodological support to teachers, and establish adequate criteria for assessing the originality of works, considering the specifics of the school.

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