
A research method was developed to analyse the tribological properties of cartilage tissue. Based on the literature data and the possibility of obtaining samples of appropriate dimensions, the frequency and amplitude of friction tests were adopted. Based on the previously conducted preliminary tests, other test parameters were proposed, such as the frictional contact load and the number of test runs. It was assumed that the results of the research will be the friction coefficient and the wear intensity of the tribological system. According to the developed method, a series of verification tests was carried out in which the friction contact was lubricated in various ways with the selected lubricants. The results of tests of animal cartilage in nonlubricated contact were used as the reference basis for all the tested associations. The friction tests showed good method resolution and satisfactory repeatability. In the case of wear characteristics, a greater scatter of test results was observed. It is probably related to the varied geometrical structure of the cartilage surface as well as the elastic properties of the bone on which the tissue was placed. The correctness of the obtained results and a relatively good resolution of the tribological test method were found.

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