
The utilization level of associated petroleum gas in Russia and in the world is gradually increasing, due to introduction of legislative restrictions and due to realization of the high value of associated petroleum gas as a raw material and energy carrier. At the same time, the usage of dissolved gas is geographically heterogeneous and depends on many factors, including the stage of field development, the subsoil user, and others. The need to increase the level of rational usage of dissolved gas is facing complications in the implementation of relevant projects. The reason lies in the lack of a method for substantiated selection of the most efficient method of utilization in the absence of datum in the early stages of field development; high risks at high capital costs, which is especially noticeable for fields in the later stages.
 The state and subsoil users are interested in creating a unified and objective methodology for selecting the optimal method of associated gas utilization, which, in turn, should ensure the coordination of actions between the government and the oil and gas industry in achieving high efficiency in the development of oil fields and increasing the level of associated petroleum gas disposal. At the moment, there is no such a method, but a number of publications have been devoted to solving this problem.
 The article will outline the main stages and aspects of author’s work on the development of screening criteria tables of disposal methods and methodology for selecting the optimal option for the rational usage of dissolved gas. The work was carried out based on the results of studying the experience of implementing various technologies and the identified limiting factors and was proceeded using the methods of multi-criteria analysis (hierarchical method).

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