
A methodology for estimating specific yield in shallow water environments using continuous soil moisture data is introduced. An accurate estimate of specific yield is critical for management of water resources affecting well yields, water levels, and rates of water level decline. The study area is located in an intensive small-scale hydrologic monitoring field site in Hillsborough County, Florida. Data from four soil moisture monitoring stations were studied. The objectives of this paper are to describe a methodology to obtain precise estimates of the specific yield that can be obtained by a fitting procedure and to determine functional relationships between measured soil parameters and soil moisture storage variability. Estimated specific yield values varied from zero, when the water table was near land surface, to a maximum that was close to drainable porosity consistent with a humid shallow water environment, where sensitive ecosystems and wetlands are dependent on a seasonal hydroperiod of water table fluctuations. The results will be incorporated into regional integrated surface and ground water models that are being applied successfully in West-Central Florida.

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