
The article presents a methodology for ensuring the stability of the information direction (vector) in the conditions of information and technical destructive impacts (ITDI) on the elements of the memory communication network. The possibility of realizing the transition from the approach of object protection of correspondents and elements of communication networks to the approach of group protection is substantiated, as well as increasing the reliability of data transmission under conditions of blocking the spread of destructive ITI and corresponding nodes of their sources. It is shown that ensuring the stability of the information direction (vector) is achieved, firstly, by increasing the security of correspondents and elements of the communication network due to the controlled physical separation of the paths for receiving and transmitting information directions (vectors), which excludes the presence of a physical path for the implementation of destructive ITEs, and, secondly, by increasing the probability of data transmission, reducing the time of their transmission and the load on the bandwidth of communication lines in the conditions of network reconfiguration, failures and overloads of its elements due to the use of in the process of protecting against destructive ITOs.

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